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(Photo by Spencer Platt | Getty Images) |
Wouldn't it be great to live in a snowy dreamscape in which everyone believed the same as you and no one offended you or contradicted your ideas? Imagine: no more squabbling over political debates or religious differences. No more debating the morality of certain beliefs systems or individuals. I mean, even further into personal life, no more workplace disputes. No marital struggles. No rebellious teenagers. Just you and 7.8 billion other people who think just like you do. Doesn't that sound amazing?
Well, unfortunately for us, the Matrix doesn't exist yet. Palpatine hasn't come along to organize the first ever Galactic Empire. President Snow hasn't given us the Hunger Games to remind us of our place in this country. We haven't created Gilead yet. But one can dream right? If only we didn't have to wake up from those dreams. Wake up to a world in which everyone has their own minds. Their own opinions. Their own convictions. Their own feelings. Nearly eight. Billion. Different. Minds.
Go out and look at your front yard (or imagine one if you don't currently have access). Look at the grass. Now zoom in and look at a single blade of grass. One blade in that ocean of billions of other blades. Now picture them as people. Picture their thoughts, ideas, beliefs. Across your whole yard. Each one unique. Each one fighting to be heard. Sound noisy? Much easier to go back to dreamland where you control all the thoughts in each of those eight billion minds.
But life isn't easy. Life isn't fair. It was never meant to be, and as much as you might like to be a snowflake with no responsibility to the community around you, it's time to wake up. Because your dreamscape of singularity is someone else's worst nightmare.
Let's bring our sample size down a little to just the United States of America: 331.9 million. That's a little more workable right? Here in our very own "land of the free and home of the brave." Except, forcing 331.9 million people to think and act the same way doesn't sound very free. Nor does it sound very brave, for that matter.
Incredibly, however, those among us who would claim to be the most patriotic actually seek to make our country less free and less brave. They want to make us all believe the same things. Act the same way. A perfect utopia.
The craziest part about it, is when it comes down to science and the health of our fellow Americans, these ultra-patriotic individuals would compare our country to a tragic genocidal time period from the past. "You can't make our medical decisions for us!" But, on the other hand, they want to ban books that talk about that time period. And when their political party is actually implementing legislation that seeks to disarm, dehumanize, and ostracize entire demographics within our country, that's just good old Christian values.
Wake. Up.
You can joke about the "Woke Left" and follow blindly as your fearless leaders drive our nation into the next great genocide for our history text books. Turn a blind eye when political figures say we need to "eradicate" an entire group of people (yes, Michael Knowles said we need to eradicate transgenderism). Buy into the morally twisted idea that killing women and doctors in an effort to save fetuses is somehow what's right for our country. Or you can wake up and take a stand.
Our government needs serious action taken against it. Not only are they trying to pass legislation against the LGBTQ community and against women, but they are also currently trying to ban an entire social media website. They will tell you it's to protect the children. That's the only tool they have in their box it seems. Make everything about the children, and you can scare an entire nation into believing the lies twisting out of your mouth.
What other reason could they have for banning an entire social media, you ask? They're scared. They know that the younger generation is forgoing the traditional news media outlets which are so heavily controlled with propaganda bullshit from both sides. They know that millennials and Gen Z are talking to each other, getting news straight from the source, critically thinking about what they are seeing. We don't trust anything, and we certainly don't trust a government that tries to silence our access to free trade of information in a last ditch effort to secure our minds and keep us spinning around in political circles while they reap the benefits of our tax money.
One way or another, we will all wake up. You can choose to sleep comfortably in your idyllic mind while those with whom you disagree suffer and die, or you can wake up and stand up for your fellow Americans, even if you don't agree with them.
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